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Programs & Consulting

Free: How to video clips

There are "how to" video clips on each product page for some quick easy ideas for using the MyFeelings! toys and tools. FREE!

Brief training and speaking: "Take 5"

This is a 60 or 90 minute presentation on using 'the 5 R's' as intervention strategies for young children. Practical in focus, 'Take 5' is based on research, evidence based practices, and thirty years of clinical experience. Amy has presented 'Take 5' at MIEA, SDAEYC, MNAEYC and other educational conferences. Contact Amy for fee schedule based on format and travel needs.

Consultation: Reflective Consultation

Amy provides reflective consultation to educators and other infant mental health providers seeking national endorsement or simply wanting to feel supported while honing their skills. Available one on one or to an entire group or agency.  Reflective consultation can be provided by request by an individual or agency, or as part of a training and support package. By request reflective consultation is designed based on individual needs. By proposal.

Packages: Training and Support packages

If your organization would like to purchase 'MyFeelings! products with a training and support package, Amy offers a combination of a one day training, twice monthly virtual support meetings for groups of 4-10, and a classroom products kit based on age. Package described below.

Preschool (age 3-5)'Nurturing the Spirit' Package includes:

  1. One day of training called 'Nurturing the Spirit: Beyond Behavior Management.' This six hour training extends the 'Take 5' concepts and incorporates more information about child development ACEs or adverse childhood experiences, attachment theory and impact of trauma on young children. Information is integrated into demonstration and practice.

  2. MyFeelings! products kit including (1) MyFeelings! Huggables, (2) MyFeelings! Minis, (1) MyFeelings! playmat, (2) MyFeelings! push molds, and (5) packages of MyFeelings! stickers (280 stickers), (1) Curriculum guide (available 9/22)

  3. One monthly reflective consultation group for up to six preschool teachers to experience reflective consultation.   (Online community in development)

Email for proposal.

A la carte: A la carte pricing available:

Opening Your Heart class

Amy utilizes a visualization process to help adults 'map out' their own emotional patterns using somatic or body oriented language to increase one's awareness of and ability to shift out of challenging emotional patterns. This is a three session live class.  Attendees receive an audio c.d. or Opening Your Heart downloads and a somatic language guide with attendance. Available by request. Three 45 minute sessions.

Email to develop a package and schedule to fit your needs.

P.O. Box 868, Walker, MN 56484-0868

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